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Join in the fun

The fun to be had is on the Guardian’s Comment is Free discussion site. Opinions are expressed from across the political spectrum. Given the government’s controversial policies, there are several debates a week on taxation and the economy. You can challenge what is said and have your comments tested in discussion.

If you get knocked down in the debate it means that you are either wrong or need to refine your ideas. If you are trying to promote an idea, you will discover who your opponents are and what arguments they are going to use against it. If you are trying to promote LVT you will find yourself up against both Left and Right. It is instructive, challenging and fun. But can be addictive.

To join, you simply register and choose a name. My stuff is posted under “Physiocrat”. You can give links including to this site but if you to it too often you will get your comments deleted.

Another site worth leaving comments on is the blog run by the Tax Justice Network; (TJN). These people are beginning to move in our direction but they still think that other taxes are OK even though TJN then devotes much of its attention to the need to plug all the loopholes.