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There are even bigger causes than LVT

Yesterday, we blacked-out the LVTC web site in part of the world-wide action in support of freedom of the web, which is threatened by proposals for legislation in the USA. These restrictions are being put forward by the big commercial outfits in the mass entertainment and communications industry, anxious to maintain their profits. But knowledge, like land, is the property of the entire human race and we make no apology for drawing attention to this. Without freedom of communication, there can be no campaigning for any political cause.

Lack of access to the channels of mass communication is a particular difficulty for those of us who have been campaiging over the years for economic reform. Our proposals are not going to motivate people to man the barricades and our supporters are not, on the whole, the kind who go in for that sort of thing. And so, both the concept of LVT and the heterodox economics that underpin it, have been marginalised for the best part of a century. Few people have ever heard of LVT, even fewer understand what it is, and so the whole notion is easily kicked into the long grass by a few fallacious arguments. The free internet has enabled us, and others like us, to reach a wider audience and so has helped us to bring the idea to public attention.