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Sounds From The Deep

This article was originally printed in Monitor of “Public Service and Local Government” September 1983. It is a light-hearted approach to understanding site values. Author:  Henry Law Where do you think is the most lucrative busking pitch on the London Underground, and how much would you expect to take in an hour – say between three and four in the afternoon? It would be...

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Down to brass tax

Latin is of course out of fashion, but it can often help us understand the origin of things. The Latin dictionary defines the verb, taxo, taxare, as to estimate, rate, appraise the value of anything. In modern English, this is still the meaning in the courts of law, where a taxing master is one who taxes costs by examining them and allowing or disallowing the various component items claimed. A...

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Whither house prices?

I received a questionaire yesterday from a Brighton estate agent asking what I expected would happen to house prices in the next year. I do not have a crystal ball but

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Hvordan virker en Jordværdiskat ?

En jordværdiskat skaffer dækning af det offentliges udgifter ved opkrævning af en årlig afgift på jordens lejeværdi. Den opkræves i stedet for – ikke oven i – de nuværende skatter. Rigtigt opkrævet støtter den en lang række samfundsøkonomiske initiativer som boligbyggeri, transport og andre infrastrukturelle investeringer. Jordværdiskatten er en financieringsmetode, der helt fra...

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Citizens Charter

The Citizen’s Stake in the Country A truly citizens’ charter would include our obligations and rights in respect of land. We think these clauses should be included: “Every citizen has equal right to the land surface of the United Kingdom, to the territorial waters about it and to the air space above it, and shall have an equal share in the natural resources thereof.”...

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Additional arguments in favour of LVT

Practical Politics Issue No. 26, March 1992, was a special Issue for the General Election held on 9th. April. It sought to summarise the case for the assessment and collection of land values for public revenue purposes, in replacement of existing taxation, the policy often known as `land value taxation’ or `site value taxation’, referred to here as LVT. Here the tone is more...

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Is Economics Moral?

Is Economics Moral? Author: Henry Law This article was originally published in the June 1999 edition of “The Month”, and appears here by permission of the Society of Jesus, 114 Mount Street, London W.1. Is economics moral or is it an objective account of a particular set of human relationships, that are subject to forces as inexorable as the force of gravity? Political Economy...

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Labours Flawed Land Acts

Labour’s Flawed Land Acts 1947-1976  Author:  V. H. Blundell Contents Introduction The 1947 Town and Country Planning Act The Land Commission The Community Land Act The Development Land Tax Summary Published by the Economic and Social Science Research Association 177 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 1ER August 1993 Introduction Since 1945, many attempts have been made by both Labour and...

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