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Bumper edition of Practical Politics

The April 2010 edition of Practical Politics covers a wide range of apparently disparate topics, all of which are ultimately linked to the ownership of land and what happens to the income stream it yields.

  • Agricultural landowners reap the benefits of CAP and tax concessions
  • Land purchase loans got banks into trouble
  • Banks step in to become developers to mitigate losses on development companies’ loans
  • Greece and the Eurozone
  • UK government bails out RBS and Lloyds Bank on losses made through bad loans for Irish property purchase
  • How slavery was defended by the same arguments used to defend private ownership of land
  • Why landowners in the south of England are better at their “job” than landowners in Northern Scotland
  • Location is the key
  • How affordable housing subsidises employers
  • Why flight paths are “land” from an economic perspective
  • How infrastructure creates land value
  • Depression: 1992 and 2009 compared
  • Third World Development – who benefits and who does not
  • Where did the American dream go to?