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CBI attacks Brown’s recovery plans

Gordon Brown’s economic recovery plans “lack a coherent strategy and timeline” and have yet to offer noticeable help to most companies, the UK’s leading business organisation warned on Thursday.

The CBI launched an outspoken attack on the “welter” of recent prime ministerial initiatives to try to combat the recession, saying they lacked clarity or any sense of fitting into an overall strategy. These initiatives – including multiple proposals in last month’s second banks bail-out and measures to support small business and car manufacturers – have left business confused without delivering noticeable aid, the business body asserted. “The government appears to have been fighting a series of forest fires rather than building a platform for economic recovery.

From the perspective of those who have been campaigning for LVT, this is to be expected. We repeat, yet again, that the government and those who advise them are working to flawed economic models, ignoring the role of land in the economy. This is like trying to understand combustion whilst ignoring the existence of oxygen.

Read the full article in the Financial Times here.