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Global jobs crisis

The International Labor Organization has published its Global employment trends 2012: preventing a deeper jobs crisis. It tells us that, “The world faces a challenge of creating 600 million jobs over the next decade.”

When the phrase “job creation” is mentioned, read no further. Who in their right mind would create a job for themselves?

The purpose of work is to satisfy our own desires. Since human talents are diverse, we do what we are best at and exchange the products of our labour. So it has been since the dawn of human history.

For this to be possible, everyone must have free access to the natural resources of the planet and free exchange of labour and its products. Land enclosure prevents the first, and the taxation of labour, goods, services and transactions prevents the second. This ought to be obvious, not least to those in outfits such as the International Labour Organisation. Clearly it is not.

When “experts” come out with nonsensical statements about the need to create jobs, they should either be ignored or ridiculed.

I received this comment which amplifies the point.

I have always detested this term “job creation”. I especially dislike it when used in connection with large capital schemes like a new railway or motorway or stadium, where it’s as if the jobs will be “created” almost as a by-product of the scheme which is somehow independent of those that will actually build it. Not only does it concretise the notion that capital employs labour – it goes further, suggesting that the project could very well  proceed without labour – but that as a generous and benificent gesture the paymasters will take on a few men.”