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Scottish independence asserts itself

The Campaign as such cannot have a view on the subject of Scottish independence. However, Scotland, like many parts of the rest of the UK, is far from the main centres of population and suffers as a consequence from geographical disadvantage and the associated higher production costs. Businesses have the disadvantage of higher transport and other energy costs. These disadvantages are reflected in lower land values. But they are not reflected in taxation. The same amount of tax has to be paid per unit of added value regardless of whether the producer is in Westminster or Wick. We are talking here about marginality. Taxation at the margin means that economic activity that would otherwise have taken place is tipped into unprofitability.

At the root of the discontent about the United Kingdom is, we believe, this apparent neglect of marginal locations, which then finds its focus in attempts to revive ancient national and regional loyalties. If the underlying economic forces were better understood, the energy that is going into this cause would be directed, more profitably, into the tax reform that the Campaign is working for, which creates tax havens precisely where they are most needed.