According to the Nationwide Bulding Society’s statistics,
The price of a typical house fell by 0.4% in April
Housing measures in the budget are welcome, but are unlikely to turn things around
Economic fundamentals will continue to dominate housing market prospects
There seems to be a sub-text here which says, “Please can we have our bubble back?”
The return of de-roofing
A article in today’s (29 June ) Sunday Telegraph reports that growing evidence of the disastrous side effects of the removal of empty property rates relief on commercial buildings has led members of the Government to reveal privately they are already considering reintroducing the relief. The change in law, which Government estimated would yield an extra £1.4bn from the commercial property...
Peverse incentives
One of our members was complaining about the new on-line tax returns and the amount of tax he is now having to pay. For some reason they have changed the forms which was a bit of a nuisance as he was all geared up to filling in the old ones. No doubt a lot of people will be thrown into panic when they start to fill them in as the deadline approaches next year.
But his real complaint is the...
Two wrongs and no rights
Memorandum on the current situation in Zimbabwe
Author: David MillsJune 2000
The Land Value Taxation Campaign (“the Campaign”) was formed in 1987 as a non-party body advocating a national land rent charge to replace conventional taxes which weigh on wealth creation. A statement summarising the argument is set out in “What Is Land Value Taxation?” . The...
Unemployment – Idle Men, Unfulfilled Wants
The relation between land and unemployment in a nutshell
The economic process is in essence extremely simple. Man (Labour) fashions natural resources (Land) in to useful commodities (Wealth). Some Wealth is consumed directly, but some consists of items such as tools and machinery which are returned to the productive process to help create further Wealth. This is called Capital. The three...
Land Value Taxation and Local Government Finance
Central collection or local?
Author: David K. MillsDecember 2003
Background and Introduction
Proponents of collection of the National Land-Rent to fund the public revenue – a policy known in this country historically as land value taxation (“LVT”) – will not gainsay the proposition that, in theory, the rental value of all land throughout the world belongs to all of...
Sounds From The Deep
This article was originally printed in Monitor of “Public Service and Local Government” September 1983. It is a light-hearted approach to understanding site values.
Author: Henry Law
Where do you think is the most lucrative busking pitch on the London Underground, and how much would you expect to take in an hour – say between three and four in the afternoon? It would be...
Down to brass tax
Latin is of course out of fashion, but it can often help us understand the origin of things. The Latin dictionary defines the verb, taxo, taxare, as to estimate, rate, appraise the value of anything. In modern English, this is still the meaning in the courts of law, where a taxing master is one who taxes costs by examining them and allowing or disallowing the various component items claimed.
House price trends 2008
Henry, what’s your take on house price movements through to the end of this year ?
Whither house prices?
I received a questionaire yesterday from a Brighton estate agent asking what I expected would happen to house prices in the next year.
I do not have a crystal ball but