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The war on cash

The Farage banking affair has revealed a wider issue: that for some time the banks have been getting rid of customers who get paid in cash. A war on cash is being waged, of which the proposals for a digital currency are another move in the same direction. The tax authorities are no doubt in support of the war on cash, because it is difficult for them to get their hands on money paid in cash...

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Institute for Economic Affairs on top form

From the IEA: * The UK could have a tax system that has a low negative effect on welfare and efficiency, with small compliance and administration costs; a system that is nondiscriminatory, avoids double taxation, and that is transparent and easy to understand. * As such, we suggest that the TV Licence, Inheritance Tax, Stamp Duty Land Tax, the stamp duties on buying shares, the Apprenticeship...

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Many Happy Returns

It’s that time of the year when they drop through the letter box. Welcome to the World, planet earth. When you joined the society of mankind you were entitled to the use of the four elements freely and generously provided by nature – air water, sunshine and land.

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Design your own LVT system

Mark Wadsworth has produced a spreadsheet which you can use to work out what levels of LVT would have to be charged if other taxes were replaced. Feeding in a few figures, the results seem plausible. Try for yourself and see. It looks as if most people would be better off. What a surprise! For an explanation of his methodology, Mark Wadsworth writes…

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