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The war on cash

The Farage banking affair has revealed a wider issue: that for some time the banks have been getting rid of customers who get paid in cash. A war on cash is being waged, of which the proposals for a digital currency are another move in the same direction. The tax authorities are no doubt in support of the war on cash, because it is difficult for them to get their hands on money paid in cash transactions....

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Promoting LVT

I received an enquiry from someone representing a group in Italy who are trying to promote LVT. The enquirer was looking for data to show what the impact of a change from existing taxes to LVT would be. Unfortunately, I was not able to provide such information, and there is none on this web site. The link at the bottom of the article attempts to explain why. Within the LVT movement, the approach...

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Implementing LVT

There are several articles on this website about how Land Value Tax (LVT) might be implemented, and also on other web sites such as that of the Labour Land Campaign. The proposal by the campaign Fairer Share is another approach at reform, in the same general direction. There is a comprehensive discussion of the topic on the LVTC website here. Advocates of LVT generally take the view that the...

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Collecting land rent without LVT

There are of course three main ways a government can collect land rent. 1. Just own land and buildings and rent them out. That way there is no need to differentiate between rental value of buildings and of the location. We have that with Crown Estates and Housing Associations (which are QUANGOs and ultimately part of the government) who rent out at or close to market value and council housing, which...

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Zoopla: What is the best value home?

Article by Zoopla, spotted by Henry Law: Key takeaways The same amount of space in some parts of the UK can cost a whopping 12 times more than in others. The floorspace needed for a double bed alone in London’s Kensington and Chelsea stands at £43,951. Three-bedroom homes offer the best value for buyers seeking more space for their money. But watch out! Prices for this type of property are...

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Brexit miss #1 – mind the gap

One of the striking things that has happened since Brexit is the failure of the UK government to take advantage of the potential benefits. First of these is the opportunity to scrap the Eurotax, VAT. It would be difficult to conceive of a more inefficient and damaging tax. VAT fails all the criteria for a sound tax, as set out in the Canons of Taxation. It is an open goal for fraudsters. The official...

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“Switch to working from home could cost the Treasury £32 BILLION a year”

From The Daily Mail: The Treasury could lose £32billion a year due to high-earners moving abroad as people begin to shift from working at the office to working from home, a study claims. Highly-paid workers who live abroad will pay their income tax in their country of residence rather than to HMRC. It may reduce the public purse by a sixth, adding to the economic crisis facing the UK, legal experts...

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Land Value Tax in action (2)

From the BBC: Russia’s foreign ministry has condemned the EU’s call for Europe-based airlines to avoid Belarusian airspace, calling it completely irresponsible. Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, commenting after Russia had denied entry to two airlines that planned to avoid Belarus, said passenger safety was at risk… Belarus will lose out on millions of dollars a year in over-flight...

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“Britain aims to plant 143 million new trees a YEAR by 2035”

From The Daily Mail: The number of new trees planted across the UK per year is set to rise to 143 million by 2035 in a massive bid to meet climate targets. The ambitious programme, easily the biggest in 50 years, will see a doubling of the planting of woodland to almost 80 million in the next four years. Due to be published in the next two weeks, the plan will controversially turn swathes of...

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Re: Appeal decision

Anytown District CouncilHigh Street Anytown AN1 1AAxx April 202x Mr & Mrs Smith1 Acacia AvenueAnytown AN2 4BQDear Mr & Mrs Smith Your Domestic Rates Bill 202x-2y – Property Ref. XYZ1234 – Appeal decision We confirm receipt of your appeal against our initial estimate of the net rental value of the above property at £7,000. You submitted evidence to support a lower net rental value...

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