Who really owns the UK? Website with good infographics.
The damn-nearest run thing
“The damn-nearest run thing you ever saw in your life”, wrote Wellington after the Battle of Waterloo. The same must be said of the 2019 election. However, it just buys another five years, and if the boom-bust cycle runs to schedule, the crash will then be only a year or two away.
Disperse power from handful who hold it
“The focus of a progressive tax system should be vast inequalities of wealth – particularly driven by the concentration of land and asset ownership – that far outweigh inequalities of income.”
Letter from Dr Prateek Buch in today’s Financial Times.
Why LVT cannot be a local tax
A new report on trends in house prices in Britain has just been released by Savilles. According to its annual “Valuing Britain” analysis, “The total value of the UK’s housing stock has risen slightly to £5 trillion over the past year, but housing wealth is becoming increasingly concentrated in London and the South East.”
“Ten years ago the UK’s housing...
Employees are cheaper than slaves
Land enclosure made slavery unnecessary. Article by Robin Smith.
Poor Economics – tackling global poverty – or not
Poor Economics, which champions radical new ways of tackling global poverty, is the 2011 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year.
The topics examined include food supply, health, education, population, business risk, savings, entrepreneurship, microfinance, and political economy. But seemingly there is nothing said about land tenure – or if there is, it has been well...
Is class dead in Britain?
Polly Toybee wrote a piece in yesterday’s Guardian under the title “Money busts the convenient myth that social class is dead“. Her theme, which trails a series of programmes she has made, to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4, commencing at 9 am on Thursday, is that “Britain likes to pretend it has moved on: but birth determines our destiny and income more now than it did 50...
What is the point of LVT?
The primary purpose of LVT is to obtain a tax shift from those parts not having a taxable capacity on to those parts which do. If we tax those businesses with no taxable capacity they will cease. There is plenty of taxable capacity – an ability to pay tax – at those sites which enjoy more of the benefits provided by better facilities. Under our present system, some of that taxable...
What is the point of what we are campaigning for?
What is the point of what we are campaigning for? Tommas Graves has written this paper illustrated with easy-to-understand diagrams to show the damage done by existing taxes and how it could be stopped.
What is the point?
Who is getting your earnings?
Why? What? How? Who?
Why do your wages never rise above a bare minimum to live on
What is causing the wealth divide
How do corporations accumulate so much capital
What is the cause of obscenely high pay
Why do jobs seem to need to be created
Why do I not feel like a free citizen
Who is the biggest robber and benefits scrounger
Who is taking no cuts nor bearing any burden
Who is allowing this...