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Getting the most from this website

Our website was redesigned after about fifteen years so as to make it readable on mobile devices. More than 1100 articles have been brought across from the old website, including many pdf downloads which can be printed off as properly formatted documents. Also included are most issues of the publication Practical Politics. This was a current affairs and news commentary which was distributed to Members of Parliament and the Campaign’s own members over a period of almost 20 years. Because of the quantity and variety of the material, it no longer fits neatly into tidy categories and has developed into a comprehensive resource and library on most aspects of land value taxation. The use of the search box facility is therefore recommended as a starting point. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please feel free to use the “contact” facility.


The site has been optimised for viewing on mobile devices. When viewing on desktop monitors, especially modern ones with wide aspect ratios (eg 16:9), you may find the line length uncomfortably long for reading in comfort. If you enlarge the view (usually Control-+) the text will be easier to read. Traditional printing is meant to be about 60 to 65 characters per line for this reason.