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Re: Appeal decision

Anytown District Council
High Street Anytown AN1 1AA
xx April 202x

Mr & Mrs Smith
1 Acacia Avenue
Anytown AN2 4BQ
Dear Mr & Mrs Smith

Your Domestic Rates Bill 202x-2y – Property Ref. XYZ1234 – Appeal decision

We confirm receipt of your appeal against our initial estimate of the net rental value of the above property at £7,000. You submitted evidence to support a lower net rental value of £5,500.

While we disagree with your calculations, we have received a large volume of appeals and cannot deal with all cases on an individual basis. Under govermnent guidelines, we have therefore reduced all valuations by one-quarter, so your amended assessment is a net rental value of £5,250. We trust that this is acceptable to you.

Your amended annual bill

In order to maintain targeted revenues, the official rate or ‘poundage’ has been increased from 25% to 33.3%, so your amended annual bill is £1,750.

Ways to Pay

Thank you for enclosing the completed Direct Debit form with your Appeal. We will collect £145.83 monthly from your bank account for the current fiscal year. Please ensure that you have sufficient cleared funds or authorised overdraft on the 17th of each month.

Yours faithfully

Ms Henrietta George Director
Council Finance Department