It is an unfortunate fact that until now, air has been freely available to everyone, and stands almost entirely outside the market system. A promising new technology is being developed which should finally put a stop to this unsatisfactory state of affairs, putting the planet’s atmosphere on the same economic footing as the planet’s surface.
This development is long overdue, but has...
Taxing unearned rent is equitable
A letter in today’s Financial Times written by Professor Roger Sandilands continues the There has been a flurry of correspondence published over the past few days in FT letters.
Who is getting your earnings?
Why? What? How? Who?
Why do your wages never rise above a bare minimum to live on
What is causing the wealth divide
How do corporations accumulate so much capital
What is the cause of obscenely high pay
Why do jobs seem to need to be created
Why do I not feel like a free citizen
Who is the biggest robber and benefits scrounger
Who is taking no cuts nor bearing any burden
Who is allowing this...
Highest and best use
It is generally suggested that for LVT valuation purposes, it should be assumed that the land is in the “highest and best use in accordance with the local plan”. I would question this. Should it not be “existing use or on the assumption that developments in accordance with planning consents have been completed”?
This gets rid of all room for doubt. It also means that...
How is land valued?
This article on the principles of valuation by Christopher Glover is commended as an introductory guide and is reproduced by kind permission of the author. It is published on this website in order to promote discussion on the subject, and although it is broadly in line with the Campaign’s own views, does not necessarily reflect its views in detail.
1. In order to tax land values, the...
Capital v annual values debate continues
I have been involved in a long discussion with a correspondent on the relative merits of capital value (CV) and annual rental value (ARV) assessment. The older British Georgists have always advocated LVT on ARV assessments because until 1993 all UK property taxes were on ARV. It was always taken for granted that LVT would be levied on ARV and this was the case in the 1939 London County Council...
The case for a land value tax
The number of groups and individuals working for land value taxation continues to grow. There is a particularly clear explanation of the case for land value tax on the website of the Coalition for Economic Justice, to which we are affiliated, here. We also suggest taking a regular browse on all the other sites we are linked to.
Land grabbing – chimp style
“Researchers have discovered that large groups of chimpanzees seem to send out patrols to kill members of rival groups before moving into their terrain. It is the first definitive proof of this kind of land grabs and could provide a evolutionary reason for mankind’s historical empire building.
“During a decade of study, the researchers led by John Mitani at the University of...
How the poor vote themselves into poverty
Article by Fred Foldvary, writing on US web site We could not have put this better ourselves.
How does LVT apply to mortgaged land?
How land value tax should be applied to land subject to a mortaged was discussed in a talk given by Gavin Putland to the International Union for Land Value Taxation at its conference in April 2010. The text can be downloaded here