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House prices to soar by 16%

So screams the main headline on the front page of today’s Daily Express, over an article quoting a study by a think-tank called the “Centre for ­Economics and Business Research”. Reading down the article, it is evident that this is attributable to what is referred to as loose monetary policy – in other words inflation. The article goes on to assure readers that it is not...

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Spare a thought for the poor landowner

[Photograph by John Digney] The correspondence in the FT has been continuing, with a letter from a landowner in a National Park who claimed that his estate was costing him money. A response from Carol Wilcox was published – she suggested, in irony, that perhaps we ought to pay landowners and put a few estates up for auction to see if they really were worth less than nothing. I thought we...

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Not the Property Ladder again

Oh no! Not the Property Ladder again! You would have thought that the property ladder was the last thing George Osborne would mention in his budget speech on Wednesday. But no – despite the untold damage and misery the property boom has caused throughout the world, the property ladder is to be dusted down and given a lick of paint to encourage ‘first time buyers’ to climb onto...

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Tax avoidance must be stamped out

Two stories on the front page of the Daily Telegraph, Saturday December 18 attracted our attention. The story on the left was headed “MPs can’t be trusted on expenses” and the adjacent story read “Taxman targets middle class” describing how 200 investigators will comb the country rooting out people who pay cash for services and rent out rooms without declaring the...

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Britain needs a Right of Public Access to Land

An ex-banker to the Queen has urged a public inquiry to allow him to close part of Chaucer’s Pilgrims Way that runs over his estate by telling inspectors they should remember they are not in Zimbabwe or Cuba or Scotland. Timothy Steel who is the former vice chairman of the Queens investment bankers Cazenove has become embroiled in a battle with villagers over the ancient paths across the...

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Amazing discovery: class divides Britain’s schools

Why would anyone expect the Britain’s schools to be an exception to the principle that everything in the country is divided by class lines? Its food. Its way of speaking. The music it listens to. The sports it plays and watches. The clothes it wears. What it reads. Its health. Its weight, even. Today’s report from the Sutton Trust, based on research by the University of Buckingham...

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Get off my land

This old story was told me by Vic Blundell, who for many years ran the various Georgist groups in Vauxhall Bridge Road.A prosperous landowner is riding though his country estate. He comes across a notorious poacher with a brace of pheasants under his arm. Landowner: “You’re trespassing! Get off my land!” Poacher: “Your land? How did you get this land?”

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