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Balancing Britain’s Population

Writing in The Guardian, Labour MP Frank Field discusses the problem of the UK’s growing population. He notes that “The UK’s population has now hit 61m and is growing twice as fast as in the 1990s and three times as fast as in the 1980s. On present forecasts the UK will hit 77m in 50 years’ time and will outnumber France and even Germany.” The article focussed on...

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Kan man verkligen äga luften?

Den här frågan diskuterades i en artikel skriven av Thomas Lerner i DN, 29 juli. Rubriken var “Kan man verkligen äga luften?”. Faktiskt handlade artikel om jordägande. Den här saken är mycket intressant. Man kan säger att det finns två olika åsikter. “Tillgångar som byggts upp under miljontals år borde inte utnyttjas för kortsiktig privat ekonomisk vinning”. Och...

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More land value the community won’t get

Construction of Crossrail has now started. This new deep level underground railway will run beneath central London between Paddington and Stratford, with links to Heathrow Airport and Maidenhead in the west, Shenfield in the east and Abbey Wood in the south-east. The cost will be £15.9 billion and the line is due to open in 2017. It will create all sorts of new commuting opportunities, as a...

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Gerrard Winstanley and the Diggers

In April 1649 Winstanley, William Everard, a former soldier in the New Model Army and about thirty followers took over some common land on St George’s Hill in Surrey and “sowed the ground with parsnips, carrots and beans.” Digger groups also took over land in Kent (Cox Hill), Surrey (Cobham), Buckinghamshire (Iver) and Northamptonshire (Wellingborough). Local landowners were...

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Popular misconceptions from Tax Justice Network

The Tax Justice Network, as its name implies, aims to promote justice in taxation. As I have said previously, the organisation ought to be on-side with us but sadly it is not. It does little more than trade on public indignation, admittedly well-founded, and promote popular left-wing myths. This is an example of a recent exchange I had, which they declined to publish on their blog, as TJN seems...

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Ongoing spat with Tax Justice Network

This is ongoing… please join in discussion here! As regular readers of the LVTC website know, the Tax Justice Network (TJN) has been running a campaign against tax havens for some while now. One might have expected it to have come out in active support for LVT but they seem to have a blind spot about it. TJN takes the view that the tax system just needs to be tightened up – a bit...

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Economics a must for students in recession

According to an article in the Guardian today, economics is a must study for students in recession. A surge in sixth-formers applying to study economics at university is being attributed to the global recession awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works. Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn or next were up by 15% this January, according to...

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