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USA – Land of opportunity

The euphoria following the election of Barak Obama is understandable and seems to give fresh force to the idea that in the United States, anyone can “make it”. So powerful was this notion that in the impoverished Jewish communities of Eastern Europe in the early 1900s, the United States was called the “Guldene Medina”. But even then, it was history. Most immigrants from...

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Social mobility improves

Polly Toynbee has been talking about the latest figures on social mobility in Britain, which suggest things are improving, but only slightly. She puts the problem down to educational and pay inequalities and points to the Nordic countries as exemplars.

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The mechanism of exploitation

Marx was much concerned with the notion of exploitation, which he regarded as inherent to Capitalism. But the only people who can exploit other people’s labour are landowners. They can even exploit owners of capital, properly defined. (that is one of the defects of Marx, he lumps land and capital together and calls them both capital). The situation is understandable with this parable.

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Marxism’s fatal flaw

Marx’s analysis of capitalism is plain wrong. Marx lumps together land and capital and calls them both “land”. A disastrous confusion. Capital is produced by labour. Land is fixed in supply and is a gift of nature (or of God but there is a widepread view just now that he doesn’t exist). Both workers and the owners of capital are both at the mercy of landowners. Which is...

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BBC Any Answers?

Has anyone ever succeeded in getting the subject of land value taxation mentioned on “Any Answers?”, the programme that follows Any Questions? at 2.00pm on Saturdays. This week, the first question was “Who is to blame for the crisis?” Just to see what would happen, I sent in this email, to no effect.

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The Keynesian Option

During the Great Depression, a programme of public works was initiated by President Roosevelt as a means of relieving unemployement. Will the same thing be needed again?

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Was ist die Bodenwertsteuer?

Die Bodenwertsteuer ist eine Methode mit welcher die oeffentlichen Staatseinnahmen mittels einer jaehrlichen Steuer auf dem Rentenwert des Bodens erhoben werden. Sie wuerde die bestehenden Steuern ersetzen, nicht diesen hinzugefuegt werden. Wenn richtig angewendet, wuerde eine Bodenwertsteuer eine ganze Reihe von sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Initiativen unterstuetzen, einschliesslich der...

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Qu’est-ce que la taxe sur la valeur du sol?

La taxe sur la valeur du sol (TVS) est une méthode permettant d’augmenter les revenus publics au moyen d’un prélèvement annuel sur la valeur locative d’une parcelle. Cette taxe remplacerait, mais ne se rajouterait pas à toutes les taxes actuelles. Etant bien appliquée, la TVS serait utilisée pour financer un grand éventail d’initiatives sociales et économiques, y...

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After New Labour

Polly Toynbee is again writing in the Guardian, saying that Labour still has a chance if it changes its ways. Too late. By the time another Labour government comes to power in Britain, she will probably be too old to care anyway. Britain and the Labour Party are going to go through the toughest of times in the next few years. Labour may not even survive as a party. Nobody knows how the...

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