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A hymn for Tax Freedom Sunday

It has come to our notice that at many church services this Sunday, July 4th, a special hymn will be sung to celebrate Tax Freedom Day on July 8th. It is estimated that this year, the 187 days between January 1st and July 8th are needed for each and every one of us to pay both our tax and our contribution to the government’s budget deficit. The Department of Work and Prayer has released a...

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Catholic church property empire scandal

As a Catholic coming from a country where the Catholic church leads a hand-to-mouth existence, it came as a slight suprise to me to read here that the Italian Catholic church has been involved in a scandal involving the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, the Vatican congregation that uses proceeds from a property empire including 2,000 Rome apartments to fund missionary efforts. It...

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Caritas in Veritate

During the summer, Pope Benedict XVI issued a new encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, the latest in a series that commenced with Rerum Novarum, promulgated by Pope Leo XIII in 1891. Collectively, these are referred to as the Social Teaching documents. What are we to make of this new one?

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Is Economics Moral?

Is Economics Moral? Author: Henry Law This article was originally published in the June 1999 edition of “The Month”, and appears here by permission of the Society of Jesus, 114 Mount Street, London W.1. Is economics moral or is it an objective account of a particular set of human relationships, that are subject to forces as inexorable as the force of gravity? Political Economy emerged...

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