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Trade talks fail

Responding to news of the collapse of the latest round of talks on free trade, European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said: “We have missed the chance to seal the first global pact of a reshaped world order. We would all have been winners from a Doha deal. Without one, we all lose.” But why does there have to be a “deal” at all? The discussions that have been going on...

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UK unemployment rising and set for worse

Some 15,500 people lost their jobs in June, according to the Office for National Statistics. It is the biggest increase since 1992, and means 45,000 people have already lost their jobs since the start of the year. Economists warn of worse to come, as the economy slows sharply in the coming months and possibly dips into recession at least as bad as that of the early 1990s. Vicky Redwood of Capital...

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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

In early July, we told our visitors to expect to hear more about the US mortage organisations Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. As it is turning out, there is plenty to hear as the financial disaster unfolds. In case you are wondering what these organisations are, information on the companies’ own websites explains…

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UK economy – no silver lining

The news on the UK economy gives no indication of any silver lining to the cloud. All is talk of recession, a house price crash, a falling exchange rate and inflation. The falling exchange rate is more serious than usually acknowledged. A year ago, a Euro cost 71p, whereas now it is nearly 80p. But the Euro itself has also been losing purchasing power, and all these changes will feed through into...

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Nationwide Building Society figures

According to the Nationwide Bulding Society’s statistics, The price of a typical house fell by 0.4% in April Housing measures in the budget are welcome, but are unlikely to turn things around Economic fundamentals will continue to dominate housing market prospects There seems to be a sub-text here which says, “Please can we have our bubble back?”

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Practical Politics No.75

Practical Politics No.75 January 1998 FIRST FRUITS Last September in the devolution referendum Scots voted for a parliament in Edinburgh. It is now clear that their effort has endowed a small privileged group of landowners, with prospects of more where that came from. “Edinburgh is enjoying a boom as a result of the decision to locate the new Scottish parliament in the city.

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Crash Course – from boom to slump

  CRASH COURSE – FROM BOOM TO SLUMP Landing In Trouble, appeared in Issue No. 29, of Practical Politics, July 1992. In the previous Issue we had set out our record in predicting the troubles we saw ahead. Describes the boom / slump cycle related to property speculation. LANDING IN TROUBLE For the purposes of this analysis, we largely take the political and economic situation as we find it....

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