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Call for manufacturing Tsar to boost UK economy

The FT reports that “A study of UK industry commissioned by David Cameron says Britain should appoint a “manufacturing tsar” to champion the sector and help deliver a prolonged economic revival.

“A report compiled by Sir Anthony Bamford, chairman of JCB, the construction machine company, says Britain should implement a nine-point plan to strengthen the role of manufacturing in the economy while cutting the country’s spiralling trade deficit on factory-made goods.”

In our view, it does not need a tsar to improve British manufacturing prospects. As we constantly argue, the country has a tax system which is little more than a structure of fines and penalties for successfully engaging in legal economic activity. Gross labour costs are about 80% higher than the net purchasing power of wages. That is the result of having a tax system allegedly based on “ability to pay”. Even a window tax would be better. Manufacturing needs no special treatment. Any country needs the tax reform we are campaigning for if they are to continue to compete in world markets.

If you have subscribed to the FT you can read the rest of the FT article here