It is nice to see professional economists revealed as charlatans, as has just happened in the Reinhart and Rogoff affair. The conclusion being drawn is that economics is not a science. We disagree. Economics is a science but, but one in a state of great confusion, as a Cambridge University professor, the late Wynne Godley, once said at the start of an article written about thirty years ago....
Welfare cuts and local economies
One of the effects of the welfare cuts that start today has so far received little attention – their effect on local economies in depressed areas. By removing purchasing power from local economies, the cuts will make matters worse. Workers – especially in retailing – are going to lose their jobs as welfare recipients cut back. The cuts are meant to encourage work instead of...
Margaret Thatcher’s sour legacy
Margaret Thatcher will be best remembered for having said that “There’s no such thing as society”. This was taken out of context. Her exact words, I am told were “There’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people and people must look after themselves first. It’s...
Do LVT and Citizens’ Income belong together?
Citizens’ Income is an unconditional benefit payable to all resident citizens. Could an LVT raise enough revenue to pay for it? If one considers the island model, under an LVT scheme all the rent is collected and put in a common fund. The islanders then have the choice as to whether to share it out equally between them or buy some Type 45 destroyers, and a few jet fighters.The citizens...
Extreme poverty could be wiped out by 2030
Extreme global poverty could be eradicated by the end of the next decade under optimistic new targets unveiled by the World Bank. The bank’s president, Jim Yong Kim, claimed that there was now an “opportunity to create a world free from the stain of poverty” by 2030.
Land tax, not wealth tax
We are opposed to wealth taxes. It might seem pedantic to say so but land is not wealth and a land title is not wealth but a piece of paper which is a claim on wealth ie the rental income stream from the land. It is easy to value land. The valuations can be put on a public register for everyone to see and question if they wish. As long as the valuations are revised regularly – not less...
A church for the poor?
New popes always bring a new direction to the Catholic church. It is over 120 years since the first of the Social Teaching encyclicals, Rerum Novarum, was issued by Pope Leo XIII in 1891. This was interpreted as, amongst other things, an assertion of the rights of both workers and property owners, and, importantly from our perspective, a condemnation of land value taxation. The latter led to...
Home ownerism on steroids – 2
They own land, give them money.
Home ownerism on steroids – 1
Budget boosts house builders’ share prices.
The Cameron budget
No reflection on Tallink who owns the rather blingy ship which sails on the Tallinn-Stockholm route. Comfortable cabins, nice food and all the crew and staff speak English.