The team are officially on holiday but we feel duty bound to publish this script passed to us by a contact working on a special comeback edition of the once famous soap opera.
A preview of the build-up episode before Tuesday’s exciting budget edition in the House of Cuts.
Fighting the 1930s arguments all over again
Some commentators are suggesting that next week’s budget of retrenchment results from a re-run of the argument that arose in the 1930s. Introducing an article in the Financial Times on 17 June under the heading “Once again we must ask “Who Governs?”, Lord Skidelsky, emeritus professor of political economy at the University of Warwick, wrote. “In one sense, next...
Holiday time
Holiday time is here and the team is taking a break. Watch out for the occasional piece, though, and we shall be back regularly in late July.
Banks, lending and collateral for loans
By Tommas GravesIf we had land value taxation, how would the banks deal with the lack of security represented by the value of titles to land used as collateral for loans?
Wokingham – Town hall rent hike forces shop out
The town council has some retail units in the town hall which it lets to traders. On advice from estate agents, it has jacked up the rent to the point that the tenants have had to go. Councillor Julian McGhee-Sumner, chairman of the finance and general
purposes committee, told The Wokingham Times the town council reduced
the figure the agents had suggested to offer tenants a discounted rate. He...
Tax Justice shifting to our point of view
We are delighted to see that Tax Justice Network is starting to coming round to the same view as ourselves, due to hard and tactful work by a few people, in particular, Carol Wilcox of the Labour Land Campaign, who has been patiently putting the LVT case. One of the fruits of these efforts is in recent postings on the TJN blog. Another is the latest edition of Tax Justice Focus, which is all...
Final draft of the Queen’s Speech
The Queen’s speech for the opening of the new Coalition Parliament was leaked and published over the weekend. We are reliably informed that this was a Palace ploy to conceal the real version which, thanks to our undercover insider in the royal household, we are pleased to publish here.
My Lords and Members of the House of Commons:
What is the Chancellor to do?
Faced with a huge deficit and the need to act quickly, what should the Chancellor do? Of course we do not like the present tax system, which is a major cause of all the present problems. Cuts are part of the solution. But there is no gain if those who lose their jobs then spend months unproductively on the dole, and it could – probably will – lead to social unrest. The real...
As I see it – Charlotte-Anne Schreiber
Regular readers will recall that we were pleased to welcome a highly respected economist and financial journalist – Charlotte-Anne Schreiber – to our team of writers. Although still under 35 she already has a distinguished career with several international organisations and is at present an Associate with a leading firm of management consultants. (See ‘Who we are’ for...
E-petitions on PM’s web site
The new administration is deciding what to do about the e-petitions service and will update users as soon as practicable. We suspect that it will be quietly done-away with, and so, amongst other things, no-one will ever get to know how many people are in favour of land value taxation.