Writing in The Guardian, Labour MP Frank Field discusses the problem of the UK’s growing population. He notes that “The UK’s population has now hit 61m and is growing twice as fast as in the 1990s and three times as fast as in the 1980s. On present forecasts the UK will hit 77m in 50 years’ time and will outnumber France and even Germany.”
The article focussed on...
The socially useless City
Lord Turner, head of Britain’s Financial Services Authority (FSA), this week described much of the City’s activities as “socially useless” and questioned whether it has grown too large.
What the City ought to be doing is to arrange finance to enable trade and industry to function smoothly. But what amounts to a casino has grown up on the back of these legitimate...
Kan man verkligen äga luften?
Den här frågan diskuterades i en artikel skriven av Thomas Lerner i DN, 29 juli. Rubriken var “Kan man verkligen äga luften?”. Faktiskt handlade artikel om jordägande.
Den här saken är mycket intressant. Man kan säger att det finns två olika åsikter. “Tillgångar som byggts upp under miljontals år borde inte utnyttjas för kortsiktig privat ekonomisk vinning”. Och...
Perfectly muddled thinking
Henry Law’s scathing personal comments on the proposed phone tax can be read on the LVTC blog.
Proposed phone tax
The government is proposing to levy a tax of £6 a year on all telephone lines, to pay for the expansion of high-speed broadband services to give nation-wide coverage. This is an excellent example of the government’s lack of understanding of economic principles.
High speed broadband is a good thing, but not everyone wants it, needs it, or is even capable of using it. If people want it...
Bank regulation will not stop another boom and bust
Both in the US and Europe, there is much talk of bank regulation to stop another boom and bust. It will not work. The time will come, perhaps fifteen years from now, when economies will seem to be on a path of steady growth. People will say, yet again, that this time the growth is sustainable. There will be pressure to remove the regulations, which will be seen as unduly restrictive....
How land affects the average person
We commend this article, which contains useful background information.
More land value the community won’t get
Construction of Crossrail has now started. This new deep level underground railway will run beneath central London between Paddington and Stratford, with links to Heathrow Airport and Maidenhead in the west, Shenfield in the east and Abbey Wood in the south-east. The cost will be £15.9 billion and the line is due to open in 2017. It will create all sorts of new commuting opportunities, as a...
What alternative to GDP growth?
Now that so many countries are officially in “recession”, the main effort of policymakers the world over is to re-establish economies on a path of “growth”. The measure of success here is Gross National Product (GNP), the value of all goods and services produced by the people of a nation. But how much more growth is possible? Or desirable?
Land Value Taxation and Catholic Social Teaching
Land value taxation is a practical means of implementing Catholic Social Teaching, as set out in the series of Papal Encyclicals commencing with Rerum Novarum, promulgated by Pope Leo XIII in 1891.