People express concern about the fate of poor widows under LVT but I am more concerned about the likes of Miss Havisham, who was unmarried but had lost her fortune through being defrauded by her husband-to-be. But there is this sad story too. A 96 year old widow is in the same two-up two-down with an outside toilet that she moved into in 1946 when she was 30 years old. She had married at the...
LVT would benefit wealthy landowners
LVT would benefit wealthy landowners, according to Liberal Democrat Richard Dean, one of the commentators on a piece in Liberal Democrat Voice. Dean has acted as main protagonist for the “antis”, but his idea that LVT would help wealthy landowners suggests the workings of an original mind and comes as news to us. Can we expect a cheque in the post from Lord Marchmain at any...
How does one pay LVT with no income?
This question arrived by email. “Every now and then I research this and still find no answer: How does somebody pay Land Value Tax if they have no income?”
Who can refute our arguments?
No one ever tries to refute our arguments about a land tax. Not seriously. Some people just agree, either because they do, or they don’t want an argument. A few get bored when the subject is mentioned. Some don’t want to know or say they can’t get their heads round it. Some don’t like the idea as they think it would hurt them.
The arguments are impossible to refute...
LVT threat to heritage
If you participate in discussion groups such as the Guardian’s Comment is Free you will come across endless opportunities to present the case for LVT and you will be confronted endlessly with arguments against it. You have to defend the proposal against predictions that old widows will be thrown heartlessly from their homes; that England’s green and pleasant land will become a sea...
Why do we bother?
There was another article in the Guardian in support of LVT yesterday. This produced a torrent of the usual fatuous objections, which are well worth reading. Such is the void in understanding that it is clear that we have decades of work to do. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth bothering. If the British want to live in a country where the wealth divide is getting ever greater, to the point that...
Absurdest-ever argument against LVT
From the “Guardian’s Comment is Free” website, this must surely deserve some sort of prize as the absurdest-ever argument against LVT“So someone who earns £1million a year and owns no land (or lives in a small flat) pays no tax, and a pensioner on nothing but the state pension who happens to live in an average house in Battersea, inner London, that he bought for £200 in...
Would LVT really hit the homeowner?
LVT advocates tend to hold back through fear of an angry reaction from homeowners, but consider this. Most land value is in land used for productive purposes, that is, land used for wealth creation other than agriculture. That must be so. The most productive land is not used for housing. But the value of land in commercial use is presently depressed by taxes that fall on business. The chief...
What would be the impact of LVT on pensioners?
The Campaign needs to give further attention to the criticism that the introduction of LVT would force elderly people on small fixed incomes out of their homes. This comment we have received describes a not unusual situation…
Shouldn’t taxes be based on ability to pay?
The case for Income Tax, both national and local, is that it is based on ‘Ability to pay”. It is a flawed concept, for it takes little account of how the taxpayer has come by his ability. In any case, present-day taxes supposedly based on ability to pay are frequently unfair or worse.