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The practicalities of LVT valuation

The practicalities of LVT valuation are discussed in these two reports by the valuers on the valuation exercises carried out by Hector Wilks and Co, Chartered Surveyors, in 1964 and 1973. The valuation list produced was of annual values and the reports explain how what often dismissed as too difficult was actually done. Report on 1964 valuation Report on 1973 valuation

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Campaigning for LVT – some thoughts

There is a more interest in promoting LVT in the present state of the economy, and quite right too. But campaigners need to be very clear what they are promoting and why, and to be able to defend their position. I could not argue against some of the attacks that can be made against LVT on capital values and on no account should we be advocating Capital Value assessment.

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Isn’t a Flat Tax better?

More arguments against LVT come from an advocate of the Flat Tax. The author suggests a 20% flat rate above £20k, Why 20%? Why 20k allowance? Would that be the same for a big company as a one-man business? What counts as deductable expenses? It isn’t quite as simple as it looks at first glance. The objector raises some complex and interesting points (below, italics) which are here answered.

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Capital or annual values?

This question is an old one amongst advocates of LVT. Henry George himself argued for a tax on rental values, preferably 100%. At some point since, the concept has been shifted and many LVT advocates argue, or will settle for, a tax on capital values (selling prices). This is a mistake.

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