Some of our readers will have been trying to convince Richard Murphy of Tax Research that LVT is an essential component of any serious package of reforms that will address the current epidemic of tax avoidance. He is now fed up with people try to tell him this and is imposing a censorship policy.
“Having reflected on this one obvious way to cut out some work is to get rid of all the...
Taxation does not give representation
Before the post war Beveridge settlement, relatively few people paid income tax. This changed on the notion that it was giving everyone a stake in the country. Organisations such as Tax Justice continue to present this view, which holds that universal taxation is an essential component of democracy. Apart from anything else it ignores the reality of tax incidence – that from the economic...
“Tax Justice” can not be serious
TJN gets funding from the Rowntree Foundation. Look where Rowntree’s money comes from! The funny thing is that TJN and its chief brain Richard Murphy have been having a go at some of the firms on the list. If they put forward a proposal that seriously addressed the problem they claimed to be concerned about, they could wake up next morning to find their supply of funds had been cut off....
Great news – house prices up
The front page of the Daily Express on earlier this week carried the headline: HOUSE PRICES ON RISE AT LAST
Joy for homeowners
New joy for homeowners as market defies gloom
So a rise of £1,250 a month in the price of a house is good news for anybody wanting to buy, is it?
Political Economy according to Gollum
I have been in discussion with someone on the blog of a supporter of LVT who sometimes writes on the subject. His ideas came under attack by an anonymous individual whose views seem to have much in common with those held by Gollum, a character from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. But since these idea are so widespread, the exchange is worth publishing even though it is not enlightening.
Curbing multinational tax dodging
Where is income?
Multinationals can make their profits pop-up in the country where they will pay the least amount of tax. The dodge is known as “transfer pricing”. The hound of the tax dodgers, Richard Murphy, has just made a presentation on country-by-country reporting at the Tax Justice Network’s transfer pricing conference in Helsinki.
Murphy argues for country-by-country...
Does the state really create no wealth?
And how big should it be?
Carry on with the pills and ointment.
“What seems to be the trouble Mr Britain? I really thought we had got you back on your feet.”
“I was feeling a bit better last week with the Jubilee and that, but now it is over I am feeling pretty groggy again. The QE treatment just doesn’t seem to be working. I have no energy, I lack drive and I’m getting more and more into debt. My output has dropped through...
Happy Jubilee
The Campaign, of course, has no view on the Monarchy, so this is a personal one. Monarchy and land are, however, intimately connected so there is every justification for discussing the subject here.
A recent debate at the RSA on tax
Guess what was not discussed. Here Even the valiant knight of the anti-tax-avoidance campaign, Richard Murphy, breathed not one word about how the tax havens could be cut out of the loop altogether.. And he knows, too!