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Following publication of the official exchange of monthly letters between the Governor of The Bank of England and The Chancellor of the Exchequer regarding the monthly inflation target we have been passed copies of the private correspondence between the two men. Dodgy Dossier cannot guarantee the validity of the letters but they seem sufficiently genuine for us to reprint them here.

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Time will improve the propects for LVT

The past few decades have been lean ones for LVT because the spread of owner-occupation and aspirations to owner-occupation has led to a political situation where all of the political parties have been scared to advocate LVT for fear of losing votes. But time will change this state of affairs, as was pointed out by a commentator called “imperium” on the Guardian’s...

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Taxation, growth and employment

“Taxation, Growth and Employment” is the title of a pamphlet produced by the right wing (we hesitate to use the term) think tank “Policy Exchange”, which describes itself as “an independent, non-partisan educational charity. We work with academics and policy makers from across the political spectrum. We are particularly interested in free market and localist...

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UK Electoral Reform

We do not have a view on what electoral system the UK should adopt but the way the issue is being handled is telling. It is becoming apparent that there are several alternative PR systems, each with advantages and disadvantages. In the circumstances, there is a good case for the election to be a two-stage process so that people have the opportunity to choose between the different options....

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Massive reserves of LRV discovered in the UK

Following her acclaimed analysis of the Emergency Budget, Dodgy Dossier’s resident economist Charlotte-Anne Schreiber was yesterday invited to a Press Conference at which it was announced that a source of public revenue far greater than that contributed by the North Sea oil and gas finds had been discovered. What is more, it is environmentally friendly and can be easily collected. ...

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G20 and its Keynesian critics

The G20 consensus that public spending should be reigned in has been criticised by, among others, Paul Krugman, who are resurrecting the ideas put forward by Keynes. What are we to make of this?

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George grasps the nettle but we will all bear the pain

Our resident economist, Charlotte-Anne Schreiber, was in the press gallery of the House of Commons to hear the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, deliver his Emergency Budget speech. Reactions among fellow journalists were mixed, but we are pleased to publish her, as usual, penetrating analysis. Please feel free to circulate her report among your colleagues. The boy wonder surprised...

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Wokingham – Town hall rent hike forces shop out

The town council has some retail units in the town hall which it lets to traders. On advice from estate agents, it has jacked up the rent to the point that the tenants have had to go. Councillor Julian McGhee-Sumner, chairman of the finance and general purposes committee, told The Wokingham Times the town council reduced the figure the agents had suggested to offer tenants a discounted rate. He...

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