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Fairer Shares campaign pack

From our point of view, reform of the Council Tax is very much a second best, but the proposals of the Fairer Shares Campaign would at least be a move in the right direction. A more robust property tax could raise additional revenue, and make it possible to reduce, or preferably get rid of, the worst of the damaging taxes which have been crippling the UK economy since the end of the Second World...

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The weakness of the Laffer theory

The Laffer curve is based on the theory that if the rate of tax is reduced, then more tax is collected. In so far as it is true, it is an expression of the fact that, with the exception of a tax on the rental value of land, taxes give rise to a deadweight loss; the tax suppresses economic activity that would otherwise have taken place. This is either because locations become sub-marginal, as is...

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“Please sir, may we have some more?”

… shouted the land bankers home builders, and their wishes were granted. From the BBC: A mortgage guarantee scheme to help people with small deposits get on the property ladder is set to be announced at next week’s Budget. The government will offer incentives to lenders, bringing back 95% mortgages which have “virtually disappeared” during the pandemic, the Treasury says. Chancellor...

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UK free ports – the tax breaks will all be capitalised into higher rents and land prices.

The consultation was full of glossy waffle: The government is working to boost economic activity across the UK, levelling up towns, cities and regions across the country. As part of this, the government wants to establish Freeports, which have different customs rules than the rest of the country, that are innovative hubs, boost global trade, attract inward investment and increase productivity. In...

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Fishing after Brexit

As the post-Brexit negotiations proceed, or, apparently, fail to proceed, fishing has emerged as a major topic of disagreement. Yet there could be a simple solution. British fishing grounds belong to the British people, not to British fishermen or British owners of fishing boats, or owners of fishing boats registered in British ports. The British people are entitled to the value of their fishing...

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employersburden 2019

Employers’ Burden – update 2019

Our tax system is so misguided that it doubles the cost of employment and government spending, as the bar chart shows. The topmost bar is for those with a nominal salary of £10,000 per year; the division is into percentages. For each line of gross salary the length of the line is the total cost to the employer, including employers’ National Insurance contributions. The blue portion of each line...

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Proposed UBR reform

The Queen’s speech referred yesterday to reform of the business rate (the UBR). Mentioned in particular were in increase in the business rates retail discount from one-third to 50p, and revaluations every three years.

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Doncaster floods

Floods like this week’s at Doncaster are a regular occurrence. The mechanism is heavy rainfall on high ground, followed by excessively fast run-off. The effects can be greatly mitigated through measures which retain the water so that it is released more slowly. Most important of these to reduce the extent of uplands grazing, which result in loss of tree cover below the tree line and scrub...

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