It’s that time of the year when they drop through the letter box. Welcome to the World, planet earth. When you joined the society of mankind you were entitled to the use of the four elements freely and generously provided by nature – air water, sunshine and land.
Design your own LVT system
Mark Wadsworth has produced a spreadsheet which you can use to work out what levels of LVT would have to be charged if other taxes were replaced. Feeding in a few figures, the results seem plausible. Try for yourself and see. It looks as if most people would be better off. What a surprise! For an explanation of his methodology, Mark Wadsworth writes…
Do two swallows make a spring?
Another Conservative MP, David Cowan, has come out in favour of LVT
Tax England’s green and pleasant land
A land value tax should appeal to both of Britain’s main political parties, says Samuel Brittan in the FT
Progressive Conservatives should support a land value tax
Review of annual Tory Reform Group’s Mackmillan Lecture by Nick Boles MP on website of Cambridge University Conservative Association.
We need to be clear on this
ALL land value is caused by the presence and activities of the community.
ALL land value belongs to the community since it is the community that sustains this value.
This is a vital point. The sustaining of land value is an continuing process. LAND PRICE is the capitalisation of the rental income flow in the expectation that the community will continue to sustain it. The uncertainties involved...
Employees are cheaper than slaves
Land enclosure made slavery unnecessary. Article by Robin Smith.
The single tax is not a tax
The Single Tax is not a tax. It is the collection of the rental value of land and its use as public revenue. Were this to be done there would be no need of taxes.
Poor Economics – tackling global poverty – or not
Poor Economics, which champions radical new ways of tackling global poverty, is the 2011 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year.
The topics examined include food supply, health, education, population, business risk, savings, entrepreneurship, microfinance, and political economy. But seemingly there is nothing said about land tenure – or if there is, it has been well...
Is class dead in Britain?
Polly Toybee wrote a piece in yesterday’s Guardian under the title “Money busts the convenient myth that social class is dead“. Her theme, which trails a series of programmes she has made, to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4, commencing at 9 am on Thursday, is that “Britain likes to pretend it has moved on: but birth determines our destiny and income more now than it did 50...