Fred Foldvary continues to produce penetrating and provocative analysis in The Progress Report, which is always worth looking at.
What is the point of LVT?
The primary purpose of LVT is to obtain a tax shift from those parts not having a taxable capacity on to those parts which do. If we tax those businesses with no taxable capacity they will cease. There is plenty of taxable capacity – an ability to pay tax – at those sites which enjoy more of the benefits provided by better facilities. Under our present system, some of that taxable...
What is the point of what we are campaigning for?
What is the point of what we are campaigning for? Tommas Graves has written this paper illustrated with easy-to-understand diagrams to show the damage done by existing taxes and how it could be stopped.
What is the point?
Alternative vote – yes or no?
If there are three factors of production, land, labour and capital, one might logically expect three political parties reflecting these three interests.
Over simplifying wildly, one could say that in the nineteenth century, before labour got the vote to any significant extent, there were two main parties reflecting the interests of land and capital.
Once labour got the vote, the UK saw the...
The dreaded T-word
Land Value Tax is not a tax, any more than paying to use a car parking space is a tax. It is a payment for a benefit received: the exclusive use of a plot of land and whatever benefits that go with that use. The principle is to use land rent as the main source of public revenue. Yet it has always been referred to as LVT. A point that comes up regularly from some of our supporters is this...
Taxing unearned rent is equitable
A letter in today’s Financial Times written by Professor Roger Sandilands continues the There has been a flurry of correspondence published over the past few days in FT letters.
Who is getting your earnings?
Why? What? How? Who?
Why do your wages never rise above a bare minimum to live on
What is causing the wealth divide
How do corporations accumulate so much capital
What is the cause of obscenely high pay
Why do jobs seem to need to be created
Why do I not feel like a free citizen
Who is the biggest robber and benefits scrounger
Who is taking no cuts nor bearing any burden
Who is allowing this...
The case for a land value tax
The number of groups and individuals working for land value taxation continues to grow. There is a particularly clear explanation of the case for land value tax on the website of the Coalition for Economic Justice, to which we are affiliated, here. We also suggest taking a regular browse on all the other sites we are linked to.
How the poor vote themselves into poverty
Article by Fred Foldvary, writing on US web site We could not have put this better ourselves.
Working harder to stay in the same place
How come, when I produce so much more today, my wages never rise, I work ever longer hours, even my wife now has to work and the cost of living always rises? Who is getting the gain from my extra work. And where will it all end. When will I be able to spend more than Sunday morning with my kids? When will I get a life?
How about this explanation from one of our members?