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Labour announces new social equalities panel

Family background is the most important factor in determining the quality and length of someone’s life, Hariett Harman, the Labour deputy leader will say in a speech to the Trades Union Congress today, suggesting that class “overarches” racial and sexual inequalities.

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To be or not to be?

As a matter of policy, the Campaign confines itself to its specific area of concern but recent events illustrate more general points relating to land and the exploitation of positional advantage. Kronborg Slott (illustrated) is otherwise known as Elsinore Castle, though it is actually a seventeenth century palace in the style known in England as “Jacobean”. It overlooks the Öresund which...

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Capital or annual values?

This question is an old one amongst advocates of LVT. Henry George himself argued for a tax on rental values, preferably 100%. At some point since, the concept has been shifted and many LVT advocates argue, or will settle for, a tax on capital values (selling prices). This is a mistake.

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What is Land Value Taxation?

Land Value Taxation is a method of raising public revenue by means of an annual charge on the rental value of land. If you do not want to read through this text, you can watch this ten minute video by Dominic Frisby. Although described as a tax, it is not really a tax at all, but a payment for benefits received. It would replace, not add to, existing taxes. Properly applied, Land Value Tax...

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Introduction to the Campaign

The Campaign was founded in 1986 as a single-issue non-party/all-party organisation based in the UK, and was active for the following 20 years. This website is retained as an archive of the material produced during that period, including submissions in response to government enquiries. There is a body of other material on the theory and implementation of LVT, including topics which are not readily...

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Objectives of The Land Value Taxation Campaign

The Land Value Taxation Campaign was a non-party organisation founded in 1986, to promote the adoption of land value taxation in the UK and to improve understanding of its economic benefits. The Campaign was active for twenty years and was chiefly concerned with informing and, if possible, influencing politicians, academics, journalists and other opinion-formers”. Hence its presence on the...

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Who we are

About the Campaign The Campaign was active for about 20 years from 1986. Most of the active members have now retired or died. The website is retained as a resource for others campaigning for LVT and with an interest in land economics. New pieces are still added occasionally. Constitution of the LVTC The constitution of the Land Value Taxation Campaign was adopted on 14 August 1991 as amended at...

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