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Design your own LVT system

Mark Wadsworth has produced a spreadsheet which you can use to work out what levels of LVT would have to be charged if other taxes were replaced. Feeding in a few figures, the results seem plausible. Try for yourself and see. It looks as if most people would be better off. What a surprise! For an explanation of his methodology, Mark Wadsworth writes…

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We need to be clear on this

ALL land value is caused by the presence and activities of the community. ALL land value belongs to the community since it is the community that sustains this value. This is a vital point. The sustaining of land value is an continuing process. LAND PRICE is the capitalisation of the rental income flow in the expectation that the community will continue to sustain it. The uncertainties involved...

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Poor Economics – tackling global poverty – or not

Poor Economics, which champions radical new ways of tackling global poverty, is the 2011 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year. The topics examined include food supply, health, education, population, business risk, savings, entrepreneurship, microfinance, and political economy. But seemingly there is nothing said about land tenure – or if there is, it has been well...

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Hot property on the waterfront

  Water frontage and direct access to the sea can add as much as 100 per cent to the value of a home, according to this article in the FT. “Houses with stunning water views offer the trophy view above all others, and can add as much as 25 to 50 per cent to a property’s value – even though sometimes the best views are from houses set back from the...

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