Newsflash. Dodgy Dossier has just received a report that the government will come under fire over its plans to end inheritance.
Peers threaten revolt on plans to scrap council house inheritance “We could be next,” claims spokesman.
Irony and our Dodgy Dossier
Our Dodgy Dossier consists of items written tongue-in-cheek. The aim is to entertain and employ irony to expose some of the current nonsense that is dominating public debate. Our website is meant to be a serious resource for those campaigning for the economic reforms that we advocate, but we make no apology for introducing material which makes the same points in a lighter vein. Relax and enjoy...
What are the duties of government?
Later this week comes the budget and its much-trailed cuts. There has, sadly, been little discussion in this particular connection of what government is actually FOR. This is strange because in a more general way the subject is hotly contested, with a strong argument being put forward that governments are entirely unnecessary.
Join in the fun
The fun to be had is on the Guardian’s Comment is Free discussion site. Opinions are expressed from across the political spectrum. Given the government’s controversial policies, there are several debates a week on taxation and the economy. You can challenge what is said and have your comments tested in discussion.
Free markets and safety nets
Free markets are not truly free unless land is freely available at the margin. Which is a complex idea and depends on an understanding of Ricardo’s Law of Rent. You cannot have a partially free market any more than one can be partially pregnant.
The economy is not a circus stunt
In order to show that they are not totally lacking in compassion, advocates of these “free markets”...
Emergency Ward Eleven
The team are officially on holiday but we feel duty bound to publish this script passed to us by a contact working on a special comeback edition of the once famous soap opera.
A preview of the build-up episode before Tuesday’s exciting budget edition in the House of Cuts.
E-petitions on PM’s web site
The new administration is deciding what to do about the e-petitions service and will update users as soon as practicable. We suspect that it will be quietly done-away with, and so, amongst other things, no-one will ever get to know how many people are in favour of land value taxation.
Recipes for disaster
Pie In The Sky Dishes for Meaningless Manifestos
I want to be Head Boy
The Headmaster of Westfriars School needs to appoint a new Head Boy to lead the school at the start of the summer term. He has interviewed Gordon Frowne, the Captain of Red House, and has called David Macaroon, Captain of Blue House, into his study for assessment.
Charlotte-Anne Schreiber, our new economic analyst
We welcome to our production team leading economist Charlotte-Anne Schreiber. Charlotte-Anne studied at St Bart’s College, Oxford, graduating with a First in PPE, before moving to Princeton, where she took her Doctorate. She then obtained an MBA at Harvard and has worked for the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation, the European Development Bank, the United Nations and the EU...