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Cognitive dissonance epidemic

The shut-down of Britain by the recent snow falls has got the right-wing tabloids screaming about the poor response by central and local government. These are the same newspapers that would normally be screaming for tax cuts. Here is a case of cognitive dissonance.

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Tax avoidance must be stamped out

Two stories on the front page of the Daily Telegraph, Saturday December 18 attracted our attention. The story on the left was headed “MPs can’t be trusted on expenses” and the adjacent story read “Taxman targets middle class” describing how 200 investigators will comb the country rooting out people who pay cash for services and rent out rooms without declaring the...

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What is a Prime Minister for?

I raise the question because Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron has gone off to Zurich with Prince William, second in line to the throne, and the football player David Beckham, to campaign for Britain to be selected as the venue for the World Cup in 2018. I find this worrying on several counts. Why is it that British politicians want these events to be held in Britain? It is most...

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Cameron backs high speed railway

Government support for the proposed high speed line from London to Birmingham and the north is hardening. This is unfortunate. The case is based on spurious arguments about the need to increase capacity. There is indeed a shortage of capacity at the London end of the West Coast Main Line – from about Rugby southwards, but this could be increased by upgrading existing routes and...

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Petition against the sale of Britain’s forests

Petition against the sale of Britain’s forests. If Britain had substantial LVT and a Right of Public Access, there would be little need to be concerned about this. But once land is sold off, the Private Keep Out signs quickly go up and in any case forestry land is a nice tax dodge.

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Irony and our Dodgy Dossier

Our Dodgy Dossier consists of items written tongue-in-cheek. The aim is to entertain and employ irony to expose some of the current nonsense that is dominating public debate. Our website is meant to be a serious resource for those campaigning for the economic reforms that we advocate, but we make no apology for introducing material which makes the same points in a lighter vein. Relax and enjoy...

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What are the duties of government?

Later this week comes the budget and its much-trailed cuts. There has, sadly, been little discussion in this particular connection of what government is actually FOR. This is strange because in a more general way the subject is hotly contested, with a strong argument being put forward that governments are entirely unnecessary.

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Infrastructure projects must not be cut

Dodgy Dossier reports that the CBI have issued a warning that Britain’s future economic prospects will be severely damaged if the Government goes ahead with planned cuts of £30bn in road, rail and building projects. These feelings were echoed by the Chairman of the Landed Gentry Association who, at a hastily called Press Conference this morning, said,

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Last Night of the Proms

Rule Britannia – but who wants waves? On Saturday the Royal Albert Hall will ring to the stirring refrains of Rule Britannia in the belief that ‘Britons never shall be slaves.’ Far be it for us to spoil the party, but a moment’s thought will show how easily we are beguiled into thinking we are free.

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