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Tax Justice Network – a bad case of cognitive dissonance

Useful ammunition for the LVT case can always be obtained from Tax Justice Network and Tax Research. But both have come under attack lately from the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, where there is anger about their activities. TJN is headed by John Christensen, and is a campaign against tax avoidance and tax havens. The website has the title “Tax havens cause poverty” – a...

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Another good idea, but half-baked

Workers will have to wait until they are at least 66 years old to receive their state pension under radical Conservative plans to raise the retirement age within the next seven years. This is an excellent idea in principle, because many people are able and willing to work until well into their seventies, sometimes beyond. Many already do, but outside the formal economy, where their work is...

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Caritas in Veritate

During the summer, Pope Benedict XVI issued a new encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, the latest in a series that commenced with Rerum Novarum, promulgated by Pope Leo XIII in 1891. Collectively, these are referred to as the Social Teaching documents. What are we to make of this new one?

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We need inflation

So some economists would have us believe. Richard Murphy, who runs the Tax Research web site and was interviewed on the radio earlier this week, is all in favour of it. A self-proclaimed Keynsian, he argues that the economy will grind to a standstill if prices are falling. This makes no sense.

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Vad är markvärdesavgift?

Markvärdesavgift är en lösning för att tillföra staten intäkter som innebär att en årlig avgift tas ut på markens nyttjandevärde. Markvärdesavgiften skulle på sikt ersätta de skatter och avgifter som tas ut i dag. Detta enkla finansiella instrument kan bidra till att motverka flera grundläggande ekonomiska och sociala missförhållanden.

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Marx’s theory on labour still has capital

Edmund Conway, economics editor of The Daily Telegraph, looks at Karl Marx and Communism, in an extract from his new book – “50 Economic Ideas You Really Need To Know”. “At the heart of Marx’s theories was the labour theory of value. This idea, laid out in Das Kapital (1867), states that a commodity is worth the amount of time it takes for someone to make it. So,...

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What case for new high speed railways?

Network Rail has now published its Strategic Business Case for New Lines. The product of a study by transport consultants Steer Davies Gleave, it concludes that a new core line from London to Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh and Glasgow would cost £34 billion to build and, over a 60 year period, generate £23 billion of additional revenue and a further £34 billion in additional...

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