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The Internet is changing

The internet is subtly changing. The Financial Times, the Daily Telegraph and the Times are now behind paywalls and give limited free access. The Guardian adopted a different strategy with free access and a comments page called “Comment is Free” (CIF), paid for out of advertising. The quality of the articles is middling-to-poor, and they are mostly written by the Guardian’s...

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Crossrail bonanza for landowners

Crossrail could help create £5.5 billion in added value to residential and commercial real estate along its route between 2012 and 2021 according to new research for Crossrail by GVA, the UK’s largest independent commercial property consultant. According to the Crossrail web site, “The report illustrates how Crossrail will have a marked impact on a number of central London and...

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Should we change our name?

This is a question that comes up from time to time. We have never been satisfied with the name we have inherited. Land value taxation (LVT) is not a tax but a user charge. The principle is that people pay for what they get and get what they pay for, so there is no free riding. Our proposal, in short, is for an annual ad valorem tax on the annual rental value of land. It is not a one-off...

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