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The Cargo Cult of Money Reform

The topic of money reform lies outside our self-defined terms of reference. Our view is that the monetary and banking system are the way they are largely due to the fact that the rent of land is privately appropriated. “As long as the land monopoly is maintained, the few can take possession of what Nature free of charge has granted to everyone, and usury will penetrate the whole...

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A thought for St Andrews’ Day

The Campaign does not have a view on Scottish independence. One of the factors behind this movement must surely be the sense that wealth is being sucked out of Scotland into the centre of power and government, which means London. This is occurring through the tax system by government, and through the extraction of rental value by the financial system. The same problems are experienced in the...

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Humbug or ignorance?

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) is urging George Osborne, in his Autumn Statement on December 5, to freeze business rates for the next two years. The business group wants the government to review and reform the business rates system by 2015, with a more “responsive and transparent” system enacted early in the next parliament.   Is this humbug or pure ignorance? The BCC could...

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Crossrail windfall

Crossrail figures estimate the price of commercial space along the line will climb 10 per cent over the next decade, above an already rising baseline projection. Read more in FT article here.

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Buy to let surges ahead

Lending for buy-to-let surges on, with the value of loans up by 31% compared to last year. Large numbers of people have now been priced out of buying and rents are rising. Information from The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) showed £5.1bn was advanced to landlords in the three months to the end of June, an increase of 21% on the first quarter. The trend will presumably continue, since the...

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London flat snip at £68 million

One Hyde Park – more information here. New residential properties in London are being snapped up by foreign purchasers. London is obviously a desirable location. We do not mind who buys the property or where they come from, as long as they pay the rental value of the land they were standing on. As we have always argued, it would give a solid source of revenue for the British exchequer and...

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