The Queen’s speech for the opening of the new Coalition Parliament was leaked and published over the weekend. We are reliably informed that this was a Palace ploy to conceal the real version which, thanks to our undercover insider in the royal household, we are pleased to publish here.
My Lords and Members of the House of Commons:
What is the Chancellor to do?
Faced with a huge deficit and the need to act quickly, what should the Chancellor do? Of course we do not like the present tax system, which is a major cause of all the present problems. Cuts are part of the solution. But there is no gain if those who lose their jobs then spend months unproductively on the dole, and it could – probably will – lead to social unrest. The real...
As I see it – Charlotte-Anne Schreiber
Regular readers will recall that we were pleased to welcome a highly respected economist and financial journalist – Charlotte-Anne Schreiber – to our team of writers. Although still under 35 she already has a distinguished career with several international organisations and is at present an Associate with a leading firm of management consultants. (See ‘Who we are’ for...
Buffalo Bill Cable rides to rescue
Something for the weekend, from our Dodgy Dossier…
A herd of big banks have been rampaging through the country destroying valuable cash crops and eating their way through taxpayer’s bailouts. Big game hunters, lead by the famous Buffalo Bill Cable, have gathered to root out malpractice and skin bonuses to the knuckle.
What free market?
According to free market theory, if supply exceeds demand, then prices fall to market-clearing levels. As it obviously is not happening in this town in a prosperous part of the south of England, there must be something wrong with the theory.
Read more about the story here
Local government finance reformed
The product of a long reflection on the subject, we put forward for discussion this radical proposal for local government reform.
Why can’t the journalists shut up?
It says little for the press that with the coalition less than twenty-four hours old, commentators have already rushed to pass judgement. Why not shut up and wait and see what happens before passing judgement? It is not as if we have lost a government of the wise and good. It was obvious as early as 1993 that Labour was always going to be a disaster, though the extent of it surprised...
Which voting system?
One of the effects of the British election result is that it has called into question the country’s “first past the post” electoral system. The problem is to find a better one. The three main parties reflect, in a rough and ready sort of way, the threefold division of the economic process and those who take part in it. There are those who own the land, those who run businesses...
Another security breach
A document marked ‘Top Secret’ was found on a train yesterday. It appears to be the draft of a speech that is intended to be given by the next Chancellor. We publish it here so that the author can contact us and have it returned. It is encouraging to see that whoever wrote it clearly understands the problems facing the next Government. But is the solution tax or cuts?
There is no...
The cupboard is bare
Although the electoral campaign appeared to have degenerated into a personality contest, the result suggests that people did not just chose the party with the leader they liked the most. Arguably, however, the head-to-head debates were a mistake and may have been a factor leading to the inconclusive result.